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Contract of employment 2025


Contract of employment - average monthly salary components [[c.inputAmount]] [[c.currency]] grossnet

The results are only an approximation.

[[c.brutto | number : 2 ]] [[c.currency]] gross [[c.e.netto.val | number : 2 ]] [[c.currency]] net
[[c.b.brutto.val | number : 2 ]] [[c.currency]] gross [[c.b.profit.val | number : 2 ]] [[c.currency]] take-home pay
  • [[ item.name ]]

    Amount for the first month - see full annual settlement

    [[ key === 'inc_rate' ? (item.val | round) : item.val |number: 2 ]] [[c.currency]]
  • Total amount on contract: [[ c.b.brutto.val |number: 2 ]] [[c.currency]]
  • Total amount (gross): [[ c.brutto |number: 2 ]] [[c.currency]]

Annual earnings

Your take-home pay:

[[c.contract == 'b2b' ? c.b.profit.val * 12 : c.e.netto.val * 12 | number : 2 ]] [[ c.currency ]]

Annual Settlement

Month Gross Insurance Tax prepayment EMPLOYEE CAPITAL PLANS (PPK) Net
[[ field.name.replace('Ubezpieczenie', '')|lowercase ]]
[[ item.name ]] [[ c.brutto | number : 2 ]] [[ item.eme | number : 2 ]] [[ item.ren | number : 2 ]] [[ item.cho | number : 2 ]] [[ item.he | number : 2 ]] [[ item.inc_advance | number : 2 ]] [[ c.e.ppk_employee.val | number : 2 ]] [[ item.netto | number : 2 ]]
Sum [[ c.brutto * 12 | number : 2 ]] [[ c.months | sum:'eme'| number : 2 ]] [[ c.months | sum:'ren' | number : 2 ]] [[ c.months | sum:'cho' | number : 2 ]] [[ c.months | sum:'he' | number : 2 ]] [[ c.months | sum:'inc_advance' | number : 2 ]] [[ c.e.ppk_employee.val * 12 | number : 2 ]] [[ c.months | sum:'netto' | number : 2 ]]

Employer's contribution - average monthly contribution [[c.inputAmount]] [[c.currency]] grossnet

Cost [[c.c.sum.val | cur:c.currency]] [[c.brutto | cur:c.currency]] gross
  • Employee salary[[c.brutto | number:2]] [[c.currency]]
  • [[ item.name ]] [[ item.val |number: 2 ]] [[c.currency]]
  • Total amount:[[c.c.sum.val |number : 2 ]] [[ c.currency]]

Annual Settlement

Month Gross Insurance Labor fund FGSP EMPLOYEE CAPITAL PLANS (PPK) Employer costs Total employer costs
[[ field.name.replace('Ubezpieczenie', '')|lowercase ]]
[[ item.name ]] [[ c.brutto | number : 2 ]] [[ item.c_eme | number : 2 ]] [[ item.c_ren | number : 2 ]] [[ c.c.wyp.val | number : 2 ]] [[ c.c.fp.val | number : 2 ]] [[ c.c.fgsp.val | number : 2 ]] [[ c.e.ppk_employer.val | number : 2 ]] [[ calculateTotal(item) | number:2 ]] [[ item.c_costs_with_brutto | number : 2 ]]
Sum [[ c.brutto * 12 | number : 2 ]] [[ c.months | sum:'c_eme'| number : 2 ]] [[ c.months | sum:'c_ren' | number : 2 ]] [[ c.c.wyp.val * 12| number : 2 ]] [[ c.c.fp.val * 12 | number : 2 ]] [[ c.c.fgsp.val * 12 | number : 2 ]] [[ c.e.ppk_employer.val * 12 | number : 2 ]] [[ c.months | sum:'c_costs' | number : 2 ]] [[ c.months | sum:'c_costs_with_brutto' | number : 2 ]]

Contract of employment

Such contracts are regulated by Poland's labour code and are thought to be the safest form of employment, ensuring a minimum wage, stable employment and paid leave (number of days is set out in relevant legislation).

For whom?

This solution is perfect for all those who value stability and security. It is worth noting that banks will be more willing to grant mortgage loans to lenders with employment contracts. If you are planning to take out a mortgage, this may be the best form of employment to choose.