Digitization of business processes - what changes will the remote work act bring and how to prepare for them?

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According to the study conducted by Antal in the report "Work model and employee efficiency and satisfaction", remote work is very well assessed, not only by employees, but above all by employers. As many as 92% of them stated that the digitization of work - to the surprise of the common opinion - is distinguished by high efficiency.
As many as 97% of executives say that the COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated activities related to digital transformation, according to statistical research by the American organization Zippia. The period after the pandemic forced the introduction of new, digitized solutions and alternatives to traditional meetings or conferences. In a very short time, it was necessary to change habits and habits regarding traditional interpersonal contacts in the workplace. The shift from offline to online has been dynamic and sudden, but has proven to be beneficial for businesses and their employees. Currently, digital solutions are increasingly used, because they often save time and labor costs.
Act on remote work - what changes are coming?
Already on April 7, 2023, new regulations specifying the requirements for remote work will come into force. The Labor Code will be expanded to include regulations concerning e.g. rules for performing work in such a model, possible inspections, the so-called on-demand remote work or the employer's refusal to do so.
This rapid and dynamic transformation in the law forces HR departments to take drastic measures, as companies and organizations have very little time to adapt to the upcoming changes. The new regulations require companies to maintain business equipment, often new programming, and adjust on-boarding procedures. The need to take quick action by the internal HR may disrupt daily duties and the planned strategy of acquiring candidates - says Maja Wilczewska, ReX Leader, Antal.
The Remote Work Act is a huge but necessary step to take. It clearly shows that digitization is and will be increasingly present in most spheres of life, including the workplace. Its performance can be agreed upon when signing the employment contract or during employment. You must then submit a paper or electronic application. The employer may also take the initiative to arrange remote work.
The employer may impose remote work in two situations. The first is the period of application of the state of emergency, state of epidemic threat or state of epidemic and within 3 months after their cancellation. The second is the inability to ensure safe and hygienic working conditions at the employee's current workplace due to force majeure. Here, the employee must submit a statement immediately before issuing the order that he has the premises and technical conditions to perform remote work. The employer may withdraw the order to perform remote work with at least two days' notice - explains Paulina Szewczyk, Managing Consultant Antal, Engineering & Operations.
How to approach change management in an organization?
In the context of change management in the face of the upcoming digital transformation, it is worth using the outsourcing service, which is becoming an increasingly popular activity in many companies. It consists in commissioning all or selected recruitment processes by the client to be performed by an external company. Its derivative is crowdstaffing, i.e. a recruitment method in which a crowd of recruiters uses their online and offline connections, connections, tools and resources to find appropriate specialists in the shortest possible time (staffing) within specific order. All this thanks to technology and crowdstaffing platforms.
Today 43%, and two years ago just over 10% of HR representatives declared the use of crowdstaffing resources. One such example is the ReX crowdstaffing platform. This is an amazing leap that the industry and the employees of the Human Resources area have made. We have entered a higher level of optimization, digitization and automation of the recruitment process. Using the services of external partners helps to save time while maintaining the quality of the outsourced activity. The introduction of the act on remote work is a challenge, because these changes lead to solutions for the digitization of processes, against which some companies could still defend themselves - comments Maja Wilczewska, ReX Leader, Antal.
What can also be problematic is the fact that changes in the organization will be controlled by institutions, under huge time pressure, with limited resources at the same time, which may result in organizational chaos. That is why the ability to prioritize activities is so important. Helpful in this process may be a plan and determining which of the tasks must necessarily be carried out by the company's internal departments, and which of them can be outsourced to improve work and relieve employees.
Start your digital transformation by digitizing your recruitment processes
Before the pandemic, it was abstract to think that almost every stage of recruitment could be carried out without the much-needed human factor. But now, for many companies, it is an everyday reality. Recruitment processes in some companies are already maximally digitized, from the initial stage to the last. The Antal report "Recruitment trends" shows that on average 56% of recruitment meetings in the first stage take place online. Moreover, on average, almost half of all recruitment meetings take place online, and 44% of respondents indicate that only the final stage of recruitment is not a face-to-face meeting.
The employer is often able to make a decision about employment only after an online meeting with the interested party. There are also more and more external tools that enable the digitization of processes to an even greater extent, e.g. through functionalities of automatic appointments, completely without the need for human supervision. Digitalized human resources management is an opportunity to provide continuous feedback, showing to what extent the set goals are being achieved. The implementation of modern e-learning platforms can be a great support for the company's operations - says Maja Wilczewska, ReX Leader, Antal.
A big trend in the digitization of recruitment processes is also the transition to the metaversum sphere. According to the Antal report "Recruitment trends", as many as 65% of the surveyed people responsible for human capital management estimate that in the future more than 10% of recruitment processes will be carried out in the metaversum space.
Onboarding an employee through the metauniverse can bring many benefits. Providing a new team member with an interactive onboarding platform as well as digital training materials can make it easier to find themselves in the company's structures. It is good practice to create a virtual office space that reflects the real workplace. Thanks to this, the joining employee will make new acquaintances with co-workers easier and more naturally, which is not guaranteed by video calls - adds Paulina Szewczyk, Managing Consultant Antal, Engineering & Operations.
Companies are looking for a way to optimize operations while increasing their success rate and staying competitive in the job market. As ReX and Antal, we also aim to meet the increasing challenges of digitization and we want to support other companies in this as well. We see the huge potential that lies dormant in crowdstaffing platforms and we are constantly trying to bring it to light and encourage you to use our range of digitized recruitment tools.
About ReX
ReX (Recruitment Exchange) is a crowdstaffing platform that creates a network of independent business partners - freelancers who conduct unusual and the most demanding recruitment processes throughout Europe. ReX Recruiters specialize in their specific industries, which means that we are able to handle any vacancy, regardless of whether it is blue collar or senior level positions.