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Front end developer: salaries and responsibilities

A Front End Developer is a key specialist in the IT industry, responsible for creating and maintaining user interfaces for web applications. In this article, our expert outline the responsibilities, technologies, and tools used by Front End Developers, and discuss career development prospects as well as current salaries at various experience levels from 2021 to 2023. 

What does a Front End Developer do? 

A Front End Developer is an IT specialist in programming responsible for creating and maintaining user interfaces for web applications. Thanks to the work of a Front End Developer, users can interact with applications in an intuitive and aesthetic manner. The Front End Developer collaborates closely with UX/UI designers, backend developers, testers, and other team members to create functional, aesthetic, and intuitive user interfaces. Their daily responsibilities include writing code, optimizing product performance, and collaborating with the project team. 

Technologies and Tools

A Front End Developer uses various technologies and tools, including the following key ones: 

Programming Languages: 

  • HTML: The basic markup language used to create the structure and content of web pages. 
  • CSS: The language used to describe the appearance of a document created with HTML. 
  • JavaScript: A scripting language used to create dynamic and interactive elements on a web page. 

JavaScript Frameworks and Libraries: 

  • React 
  • Angular 
  • Vue.js 

Scope of Responsibilities

  • Code Creation: Writing HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code to create the user interface. 
  • Performance Optimization: Ensuring responsive and efficient operation of the site (control, verification, analysis). 
  • Backend Integration: Collaborating with backend developers. 
  • Testing: Conducting tests, detecting, and fixing code errors. 
  • Adherence to Standards and Design Patterns. 
  • Technology Updates: Keeping up with the latest trends and technologies in the frontend field and implementing them in projects. 
  • Creating and Updating Technical Documentation. 

What projects do Front End Developers undertake? 

Front End Developers undertake a wide range of projects that can vary in scope, scale, and the technologies used for their implementation. 

Examples of Projects: 

  • E-commerce: Creating and maintaining online stores with features such as shopping carts, product filters, and online payment integrations. 
  • Corporate Websites: Creating informational sites for companies, including service details and portfolios. 
  • Landing Pages: Creating landing pages for marketing campaigns. 
  • Interactive Multimedia Applications: E-learning platforms. 
  • Web Applications: Dashboards, administrative panels, CRM systems, ERP systems. 
  • Mobile Applications: Browser games, utility applications. 
  • Social Applications 
  • Open Source Projects and Internal Tools: Libraries and UI components. 

Front End Developers undertake projects that have a direct impact on user interactions with applications. Their task is to create the application or website to be the most intuitive and transparent for the user, combining functionality and visual appeal into one cohesive whole. Each project is different and may require a specific approach and a diverse set of tools, making the developer's work dynamic and varied. 

Front End Developer Salaries

Between 2021 and 2023, there were significant differences in salaries between Junior Front End Developers and Senior Front End Developers. 

Average Gross Salaries in PLN (Monthly) for Junior and Senior Front End Developers in 2021-2023 

Source: Antal Salary Report 2023 

Based on our salary reports for 2021-2023, we can observe and infer that salaries for both Junior and Senior levels are increasing, with a difference in compensation of around 15,000 PLN between these two positions. 

Junior, mid, senior front end developer salary differences

Average Gross Monthly Salaries for Front End Developers by Experience Level 

Source: Antal Salary Report 2023 

A Junior Front End Developer can expect a salary range of 9,000 to 15,000 PLN, while a Senior Front End Developer can expect a range of 18,000 to 30,000 PLN. 

Career Path of a Front End Developer / Development Opportunities

The career development of a Front End Developer can take various forms. Depending on their interests, skills, and career goals, this path will look different for each developer. The IT industry is dynamic and offers many development opportunities. 

Junior Front End Developer 

  • Responsibilities: Working under the supervision of experienced developers, writing basic code, error verification. 
  • Skill Development: Learning best coding practices, understanding frontend frameworks and libraries, gaining professional experience. 

Mid Front End Developer 

  • Responsibilities: Independently carrying out tasks, developing new functionalities, optimizing performance, code verification. 
  • Skill Development: Deeper understanding of advanced JavaScript concepts, knowledge and ability to work with frameworks, application testing. 

Senior Front End Developer 

  • Responsibilities: Leading projects, mentoring junior developers, collaborating with other teams (backend, UX/UI, QA), creating and implementing frontend architecture. 
  • Skill Development: Expertise in frontend application architecture, advanced optimization techniques, knowledge of management tools, advanced communication skills. 

Further Career Development in the Front End Area

Developers working with JavaScript, after gaining sufficient professional experience, can expand their knowledge and skills to include leadership competencies, aiming for positions such as Lead Front End Developer, Software Architect, Tech Lead, or Team Lead. Alternatively, if a developer prefers to stay within the programming sphere and continue to advance in this direction, they may take on the role of a Fullstack Developer, working on both the frontend and backend. 

The career development of a programmer is full of opportunities, and the career path can be tailored to individual interests and goals, enabling both deep specialization and advancement in technology management. 

The job of a Front End Developer is dynamic and demanding, combining technical programming skills with creativity. Front End Developers are responsible for ensuring that user interfaces are not only functional but also aesthetically pleasing and easy to use. By continuously improving their skills and staying up-to-date with the latest technological trends, Front End Developers can meet the growing demands of the market. Their work has a direct impact on user experiences, making it highly rewarding. 

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