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One in three of them manages a budget exceeding 50 million PLN and they are more sought after than programmers – who are procurement managers?

The increase in shared service centers and the development of international companies in Poland drive the demand for qualified procurement specialists. To attract the best candidates, companies offer competitive salaries from the start of their careers. Career development prospects in the procurement sector are viewed positively by 72% of those surveyed, with 26% rating them as very good. Employers are investing more in these experts as they have become crucial for generating savings within organizations. This is according to the Antal Sodexo PSML study “The role and challenges of purchasing departments in Poland”. 

Antal, along with Sodexo and the substantive partner – the Polish Association of Logistics and Purchasing Managers (PSML), prepared a report on the role and challenges of procurement departments in Poland. The study was based on a survey conducted between March and April 2024 among over 900 procurement specialists and managers. 

Spending other people's money – who are the experts responsible for procurement? 

A significant portion of procurement managers handle very large financial resources. Almost one-third of those surveyed manage budgets exceeding 50 million PLN. The profile of a Polish procurement specialist shows them as individuals engaged in a wide range of company activities. Their main task is purchasing raw materials and production materials, accounting for 61% of their responsibilities. They are also responsible for negotiating the best prices and terms of purchase. Their work directly impacts the efficiency and profitability of the company by reducing costs, ensuring operational fluidity, and maintaining high product quality. 

What are you responsible for in your workplace? 



Seeking alternative suppliers 


Preparing inquiries, analyzing offers 


Coordinating cooperation with suppliers and/or clients 


Negotiating framework agreements or final cooperation terms 


Evaluating suppliers 


Ensuring timeliness (order fulfillment time) 


Controlling and minimizing expenses through financial and operational optimization solutions 


Independently planning and managing selected procurement categories 


Developing recommendations for supplier selection 


Receiving and coordinating orders from internal/external clients 


Designing procurement processes 


Ensuring the quality of deliveries 


Forecasting and creating delivery and purchase schedules 


Supplier development 


Source: “The role and challenges of purchasing departments in Poland” by Antal Sodexo and the Polish Association of Logistics and Purchasing Managers 

In today’s dynamic business world, procurement specialists play a crucial role, responsible for an increasingly broad range of tasks related to the ongoing operations of companies. Their work, once focused mainly on negotiations and logistics, is evolving towards strategic management and procurement process optimization. The efficiency of companies largely depends on the effective procurement organization that oversees internal processes and supports strategic decision-making, comments Artur Skiba, President of Antal

Polish procurement managers earn more than in IT 

According to a Deloitte report, Poland is among the top preferred locations for Shared Services Centers. In 2022, there were 16,000 centers (accounting for about 70% of all BSS centers in Central and Eastern Europe). Among the many industries and professions in the shared service centers, procurement has steadily developed over the years. This trend has continued despite adverse conditions such as the lack of specialized studies or a shortage of human resources with years of experience in the profession. 

Gross monthly salary in the procurement sector [PLN] 




8,000 – 12,000 

Indirect Buyer 

8,000 – 12,000 

Senior Buyer 

12,000 – 14,000 

Strategic Buyer 

12,000 – 18,000 

Purchasing Leader 

14,000 – 19,000 

Category/Commodity Manager 

17,000 – 20,000 

Purchasing/Sourcing Manager 

24,000 – 30,000 

Purchasing Director/Head of Sourcing 

30,000 – 42,000 

Source: “The role and challenges of purchasing departments in Poland” by Antal Sodexo and the Polish Association of Logistics and Purchasing Managers 

Since the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic, the demand for procurement specialists has surged. One manifestation of this phenomenon is the increase in salaries of supply chain professionals by one-tenth, one of the largest pay increases observed at the beginning of the decade. In comparison, salaries in the IT sector increased by 1% over the past year. Moreover, according to the report “CPO Challenges in 2023”, employment security and the need for a skilled workforce rank fourth among the top seven challenges for Chief Procurement Officers. Therefore, attracting and retaining adequately qualified personnel requires companies to undertake actions such as introducing professional development programs, comments Monika Droździak, Supply Chain Director at Sodexo Poland

Digitization, multisourcing, and ESG – trends for the coming years 

The report authors point to an increase in the use of digital technologies in procurement in response to the need for efficiency and innovation. Research shows that 72% of procurement departments focus on digital transformation. It aims to help increase operational efficiency, a priority for three-quarters of respondents. Additionally, 71% of those surveyed aim to improve margins by reducing costs. It was noted that 15% of respondents consider the implementation of artificial intelligence and automation as key elements of future procurement initiatives, indicating growing interest in using these technologies in the industry. A lasting change in the market may also be multisourcing, i.e., diversifying and increasing the number of suppliers to more than two sources. One of the newer trends is also adapting procurement processes to ESG guidelines, which is already part of strategic plans for 23% of respondents. This underscores the growing importance of social and environmental responsibility in corporate activities. 

Despite the return of supply chains to their pre-pandemic state, companies have changed some of their practices. To increase supply security, enterprises have diversified their suppliers, relying on more than one or two trusted sources in crisis situations. Companies operating in Poland have effectively used the crisis to make many grassroots changes to improve flexibility and efficiency, invested in the skills of their employees, and accelerated digitization and automation processes. Additionally, organizations are active in the ESG field. Supply chain commitments include responsible supplier selection, equal treatment, promoting suppliers supporting CSR initiatives, and appropriate risk assessment of cooperation – summarizes Justyna Kiełbowicz, CSR Ambassador in the Central Purchasing Department at BNP Paribas Bank

About the study 

The Antal and Sodexo study, with PSML as a substantive partner, “The Role and Challenges of Procurement Departments in Poland” was conducted using the CAWI method on a sample of 922 procurement specialists and managers from March 20, 2024, to April 11, 2024. The report is sponsored by Employers of Poland, Pro Progressio, and PAIH. Report download: Antal Report More conclusions from the report will be presented at the Procon Polzak 2024 conference. Registration: https://konferencja-proconpolzak.pl/?lang=en

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