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  • The Polish labour market is affected by numerous economic and social factors, such as: globalisation, digitisation and the ongoing generational transformation. All of those phenomena combine to create completely new challenges that require non-standard approaches. When faced with such daunting conditions, it is necessary to closely observe the market and plan your activities based on accurate knowledge. Market Research allows us to not only discover new solutions but also introduce new HR trends.

Salary report

Salary research provides us with comprehensive data on remunerations in selected industries, positions and segments of the market. We plan and execute each project in accordance with client preferences.

Antal salary reports are distinguished by

  • unique methodology allowing to precisely define the sample,
  • engagement of experts specialising in specific industries or disciplines.

How will you benefit?

  • gain familiarity with current market trends,
  • gain access to data concerning the most recent salary standards,
  • have the ability to make informed business decisions based on said data.

Employer brand image research

Employer brand image research is an important tool to have at your disposal when dealing with a candidate's market. It provides key insights into the company's image among prospective employees, highlights the company's strengths, weaknesses and potential growth areas. The research is carried out on a carefully selected sample allowing us to gain credible information and ensuring that our clients receive factual reports upon which they may base their future strategies.

Employer brand image research allows to:

  • gain insight into the employer's image in the eyes of prospective employees,
  • compare your company's brand image with the competition,
  • find ways to attract talented employees.

Investment potential research

Candidate investment potential research will provide answers to questions that companies ask themselves before deciding to invest in a given region:

  • What is the education potential in specific fields of specialization?
  • Which of the required competencies are available in the market?
  • Is there competition in the region and how strong is it?
  • What strategic elements could give you a competitive edge?
  • How long do recruiting projects take on average?
  • What employment terms do the best candidates expect?


Find out what investment potential research consists of in practice.

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Agnieszka Wójcik photo
Agnieszka Wójcik Market Research & PR Manager

Agnieszka earned a degree in Sociology from Warsaw University. She has been associated with sector of consulting services in the area of the labor market for last 8 years. She started her career in the Association of Employment Agencies. She gained work experience gained in the structures of the leading recruitment and HR consulting companies on positions related to the research of labour market, public relations and marketing. In Antal she is responsible for the area of market research. She specializes in business analysis, research projects for the organization and promotion of institutions.