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What is Employer Branding? Definition, Division and Salaries

Employer branding is the image of a company as a workplace. How an organization is perceived by current, former, and potentially future employees plays a crucial role in creating a positive employer reputation, which significantly impacts the company's competitiveness in the job market and, consequently, can increase its earnings. Employer Branding is essentially a strategy for managing the employer's brand, with the goal of building a positive image of the organization as an attractive place to work.  

Employer Branding is of great importance for organizations. Effective employer brand management contributes to attracting the best talents, retaining satisfied employees, and building long-term relationships with the job market. It is a significant element of HR strategy and a key factor in the success of an organization in a competitive business environment. 

What is EVP (Employer Value Proposition)? 

The Employer Value Proposition (EVP) is a crucial element of Employer Branding that defines the benefits and values a company offers its employees in exchange for their commitment, work, and loyalty. EVP can be understood as material benefits, such as competitive compensation or an extensive package of original non-monetary benefits, or non-material benefits, such as opportunities for development, the organization's commitment to issues related to sustainable development, the creation of an inclusive and engaging community within the company, or offering flexible forms of employment. 

Defining the Employer Value Proposition is the first step in creating an effective Employer Branding strategy. To do this, it is valuable to answer questions such as:

  • What kind of employer are you? 
  • What sets you apart as an employer? 
  • What is the vision of your organization? 
  • What values should your company uphold? 

Employer Branding Division into External and Internal

Properly focused image-building strategy is a key activity for any company. Shaping the image can be achieved both through actions within the organization and beyond it. The division into external and internal Employer Branding stems from the necessity of communicating two significant aspects of human resources management strategy. Both these dimensions must work cohesively to yield the desired effects.

External Employer Branding

External Employer Branding is a strategy focused on creating a positive image of the company in the eyes of society, potential candidates, customers, and business partners. Its goal is to attract the most talented employees and build the organization's reputation as an attractive employer. Elements of external Employer Branding include:

  • Social media - the company's activity on social media platforms, where it can showcase its culture, corporate events, and employee successes. It is also a good idea to utilize various social media channels.
  • Employer advertising - advertising campaigns directed at potential candidates, utilizing various media such as television, radio, the internet, or even printed advertising materials.
  • Participation in job fairs and industry events - being active at job fairs, conferences, and other industry events allows for networking with potential candidates and clients and enables the promotion of the organization.
  • Employee reviews and opinions - everything available to the public, including posts and reviews on social media, also influences how the company is perceived by those outside the organization.
  • Collaboration with influencers - currently one of the most popular methods used in employer branding. Collaborating with influencers can reach a specific audience and contribute to a positive employer image.

Internal Employer Branding

Internal Employer Branding is a strategy focused on building a positive image of the company in the eyes of current employees. The goal is to increase employee satisfaction and engagement and create a favorable work environment. Key elements of internal Employer Branding include:

  • Organizational culture: This encompasses the values and principles upheld by the company, ethical attitudes towards employees and customers, the implementation of non-discriminatory policies, and fostering good relationships among employees.
  • Employee experience: This refers to how employees perceive the company, from their relationship with supervisors, achievements at work, to the technology they need to effectively perform their tasks. The offer of professional development opportunities, additional training, and access to psychological support plays a significant role in this aspect.
  • Community engagement: For example, supporting social and charitable activities or advocating for the local minority. Engaging with the community contributes to a positive internal image.
  • Internal communication: This is a crucial element in building an effective Employer Branding strategy. Communication must be clear, consistent, and open to foster a positive internal perception and understanding among employees.

Employer branding specialist salary

In current times, apart from competitive base salaries, attractive motivators for Employer Branding Specialists include monthly, quarterly, or semi-annual bonuses, often offered based on the level of achievement of set goals. According to the Antal salary report, in 2023, professionals in the field could expect a monthly salary ranging from 9,000 to 10,000 PLN gross. Significant importance is attributed to experience in this area, as it significantly influences the level of earnings.

Recruitment as an Element of Employer Branding

Recruitment is a key element in building Employer Branding, exerting a significant influence on the positive perception of an organization. Effective recruitment management not only attracts high-quality candidates but also shapes the company's image as an attractive employer. It is crucial to conduct the recruitment process appropriately and, upon hiring a candidate, to ensure a smooth onboarding experience. In the case of rejecting a candidacy, it is important to provide reasons for the rejection and express gratitude for participation in the process. Candidate experiences hold significant importance, even if they are not ultimately hired, as they impact the perception of the company and can contribute to the development of a positive employer reputation in the job market.

Modern companies increasingly employ innovative approaches to recruitment, leveraging technologies and data-driven platforms. Transparent recruitment processes and open communication with candidates contribute to building a positive image during the recruitment stage.

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