Employer Branding & Recruiting Marketing
Unlimited access to education, proliferation of technology and growing employee/company specialisation all contribute to organisations finding it harder and harder to stand out among the competition. That is why brand image can give you the edge. We advise that employers implement brand image development strategies to take advantage of that possibility.
Employer Branding is a set of activities aimed to create a strong and positive brand image, both internally and externally. We are able to prepare a comprehensive strategy, starting with analysing the company's current situation, choosing the tools and scheduling activities, and concluding with its implementation. In some cases the projects may receive support from our Market Research and HR Consulting experts.
We provide solutions in the following areas:
Brand Image Research
Employer Branding
Recruitment Marketing
Candidate Experience
Social Media management
Recruitment support materials
Consulting services
Other bespoke solutions - just tell us what you need :)
Our Employer Branding activities may be divided into three distinct stages. Please note that we approach all projects on a case-by-case basis so results may differ depending on client requirements.
Sound Employer Branding strategies should be based on EVP (Employee Value Proposition), i.e. the added value that the employer provides to their employees.
We often find that companies who task us with preparing a brand image strategy have not yet implemented EVP, a benefits policy, career paths, etc. We are able to help you work on those aspects as well. If you need results fast, we advise using our recruiting marketing methods.
Before engaging in Recruiting Marketing you need to know the difference between...
Outbound marketing, i.e. reaching outside of the organisation to reach a certain target audience.
Inbound marketing, i.e. creating content that will draw candidates to the organisation by tailoring the content to their and making it easier for candidates to discover it.
Both of the above types of activities are necessary for a Recruitment Marketing strategy to be successful.