High wage growth dynamics and changing benefits - what are the current wage trends?

On July 11, Antal published the 11th edition of the Salary Report, indicating the level of remuneration for specialist and managerial positions. The average monthly remuneration of specialists and managers amounted to PLN 13,654 compared to PLN 12,096 in the 10th edition, which means an increase of 13% compared to the previous edition of the survey.
The year 2022 means new opportunities for both employees and employers. Over the last year, Antal's experts noted a very high dynamics of changes in wages and there is no indication that it will stabilize in the near future. The growing expectations of employees and candidates are influenced by the level of inflation, rising interest rates and the uncertain economic situation related to the war in Ukraine. Due to these factors, growth expectations are as high as 40% of current salaries.
Download the report: https://en.antal.pl/insights/report/antal-salary-report-2022
Unanimity of employers - a year of pay rises in 2022
IT specialists and managers could count on the biggest increases in 2022 (an average of 34% more). With a gross result of PLN 18,843, they are - apart from the management staff - the best-paid employees in Poland and beyond. Senior management (an increase by 18%) - the average monthly remuneration in this group amounted to PLN 25,895 gross. Traders and marketers (increase by 29%) - their average gross salary is PLN 13,804. Finance and accounting representatives recorded an increase of 29%. This is one of the highest wage rates among the surveyed groups (next to sales and marketing).
The current demand for IT specialists exceeds their availability on the market. The information technology industry is still absorbing experienced people, as well as offering offers to candidates who have changed to IT or are starting to gain their first professional experience in this area. The growing wages are also influenced by the economic situation in the country - inflation, changes related to the Polish Government, which often have a negative effect on wages in the case of contract work, extremely popular in the sector. All this raises the expectations of employees who are more and more open to financial proposals in the euro, which they believe, is stable. The multitude of job offers also results in the candidates becoming more and more selective and waiting for exceptional offers that will allow them to raise the financial level by up to PLN 5,000-6,000 gross - comments Monika Kiliańska, Team Manager, Antal IT Services.
A significant diversification of salaries is also visible in the area of Sales & Marketing. The most sought-after employees are recording unprecedented increases. At the same time, the demographic decline with high demand determines a strong increase in wages in positions with little, even 3 years of experience - says Maryla Aftanasiuk-Lisiecka, Business Unit Director, Antal Sales & Marketing.
Compared to the previous edition of the survey, the management staff, finances and accounting had a strong impact. Employers in the area of finance and accounting simply do not keep up with the changing salaries. The highest increases were recorded at the level of specialists and lower-level managers. There are no such big changes in higher positions. Salaries were influenced by: inflation, high interest rates affecting loan installments, changes in the remuneration policy from January 2021, and above all employers who are looking for highly specialized, active experts and managers supporting business - adds Michał Borkowski, Sector Manager, Antal HR, Finance, Legal & Administration.
Human resources management specialists and managers recorded an increase in remuneration by 22% - on average it amounted to PLN 12,524 gross. The average monthly gross salary here amounted to PLN 13,284. The dynamics of salary growth in shared services centers is also growing (22%) - thanks to the average monthly salary of PLN 9,834 gross. In logistics, an average increase was recorded by 21% and the gross monthly salary amounted to PLN 12,164. In the pharmaceutical and medical equipment industry, the average monthly remuneration in the analyzed period was PLN 13,572 gross (an increase by 12%). In engineering positions, there was an increase by 10% - the average monthly salary amounted to PLN 10,611 gross. In banking and insurance, it amounted to PLN 12,724 gross (an increase by 7%). The lawyers who gained the most in the beginning of the pandemic have now recorded an increase in average wages of only 3%. Their average monthly salary amounted to PLN 13,068 gross. The salaries of administration representatives increased by 28% compared to the previous edition of the Antal report - their average salary offered amounted to PLN 7,925 net. Despite a significant increase, it is still the lowest-paid group in the study mentioned. Compared to recent years, however, the growth rate of wages is growing.
(Un) obvious non-wage benefits
The benefits that have gained a lot in importance and are most willingly offered by employers are Christmas gifts and vouchers, which was probably influenced by improving economic situation. Compared to the previous edition of the report, their increase was by 8 pp. and are offered by 42% of companies. Benefits in the form of a parking space (an increase by 3 pp) and co-financing for retirement insurance (an increase by 5 pp) have also gained in importance.
Most employers are well aware of the needs of their employees. The biggest differences concern additional vacation days - here as many as 35% of respondents would like to receive such a benefit (an increase by 6 pp), and it is not offered by the current employer. Another important benefit is the company car - 24% of respondents would like to expand the portfolio of benefits with this point (an increase by 2 pp) - and co-financing education - and here 23% of responses were recorded analogously. According to specialists and managers, fitness cards are overestimated.
About the report
The Antal 2022 "Salary Report" was prepared on the basis of a payroll analysis carried out by 8657 specialists and managers participating in Antal's recruitment processes in the second half of 2021 and the first half of 2022.
These data were verified and extended with information from recruitment processes carried out by Antal consultants in 2020, as well as telephone interviews with employers and candidates.
Download the report: https://en.antal.pl/insights/report/antal-salary-report-2022