Moms at work can do more - a desired employee

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According to data from the Central Statistical Office of Poland (GUS), in the fourth quarter of 2019, women, 8,280,000, prevailed among the economically inactive. people, ie 62.2% of the total economically inactive (13,313 thousand people). The number of passive men amounted to 5,033 thousand. The main cause of inactivity of both women and men was the retirement pension, which was indicated by more than half of the economically inactive (56.2%). In the case of women, the second most important reason were family and household obligations, while for men it was education and supplementing qualifications.
Today, employers no longer see women as a stay-at-home mother with stereotypical tasks. In the past, it was customary to define motherhood which includes the lifelong goals of caring for children and doing the housework alone. Women now play a key role in contributing to the development of the economy, thus proving that they can compete in the labor market.
The benefits of having a "mum" in the ranks of the company
Many current and future mothers in Poland have dilemmas when it comes to finding a job. They are afraid that in the dynamically changing labor market a year of absence is a long time, and a few years is like an entire epoch. However, for employers, mothers are welcome candidates. Combining parental functions and active participation in the labor market also brings many benefits for the women concerned. The report "Motherhood and professional activity" presented by the Parent in the City Foundation shows that over one third of the respondents mention the will to develop as the main motivator for returning to work.
The presence of mothers in the labor market is beneficial for both employers and mothers who are willing to work. Employers gain employees who are loyal, dedicated and committed to the company's operations. On the other hand, mothers gain a safe retirement future, have the possibility of self-development, become independent and make their offspring develop a strong sense of responsibility from an early age. The greater professional activity of women is also of great benefit to the state. Poland's GDP may be higher by PLN 270 billion in 2025 if more women take up employment - comments Fabian Pietras, Business Unit Director Antal, IT Services.
A shaky work - family balance
The appearance of a child in the life of a working woman causes her to act simultaneously in two spheres: professional and maternal. Antal experts talking with candidates - mothers who want to return to the labor market often hear that flexibility is what counts for them. They are looking for a job that will enable them to reconcile parenthood and work. What can the employer offer?
When it comes to the employer himself, the best incentive for the candidate-mother will be a remote work system with flexible hours. Job sharing also seems to be an interesting idea - sharing work, and in fact sharing a job. It is a type of part-time employment and consists of dividing one job (a full-time) job by two or more employees. This is an ideal solution, especially for mothers, and also beneficial for the employer - comments Marta Kozieł, Senior HR Specialist, Antal.
The IT recruiter profession at your fingertips
There are quite a few offers that promise quick and easy money with little or no work. Such "opportunities" are not always clear and transparent, however. Principals and other bidders are usually not charities and will not contribute to the business. In order to actually earn something, being a mother who looks after children requires some effort and skills. The key to success here is finding a perfectly suited job - one that is characterized by high flexibility, reasonable remuneration and involving all the greatest assets. Such a choice may be the work of a recruiter, which combines all of the above elements, and an additional challenge is being a recruiter for the IT industry.
In Antal, we are continuing the IT Mum Academy program. Its goal is the professional activation of mothers for whom returning to work full-time is a challenge. The project allows for a much more flexible approach to managing your working time. Antal does not assume that its participants will have years of experience in recruiting. The aim is to reach enterprising mothers who are worried about the possibilities of combining the educational role and professional work. Antal assumes that mums also have the ability to navigate the Internet efficiently and to find the information they need, which is required by motherhood and childcare. In addition, they are people who are characterized by multitasking, so needed in the framework of several projects carried out simultaneously by hedhunters. Participation in the program is an opportunity for them to change their branches and gain new, valuable competences on the market - comments Monika Kiliańska, Team Manager Antal, IT Services and mother.
Previous edition of the program it was a pilot for us, thanks to which three mothers - recruiters - joined the ranks of Antal. They showed that they want to try their hand at recruiting, and the IT industry is an interesting challenge for them. They are determined and confident when it comes to interviews with candidates. During the implementation of the project, we received important feedback on how we could improve it, what we have, those returning to the labor market would like to learn and learn during training. We also know what qualities are desired from candidates: business maturity, proactive attitude and initiation of own ideas - adds Monika Kiliańska.
We invite moms who see themselves as IT recruiters to sign up for the program: