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What is the future of recruiting? The most important trends in the labor market

Antal, during the European Forum for New Ideas (EFNI), published the latest report "Recruitment Trends 2022". It shows that as many as 78% of respondents responsible for human capital management estimate that in the future more than 10% of recruitment processes will be carried out in the metaverse. 

Management Boards are increasingly wondering if and how to take into account the opportunities offered by the metaversum in their strategy. In addition, more and more projects are based on cooperation within contracting - not only in the IT industry, but also in SSC / BPO, production and administration. There is also a growing interest in the recruitment process outsourcing service, which allows for the full care of an external company over the recruitment process. What are the other trends on the market? 

Meta-recruiting - the nearest trend or the distant future? 

Almost ⅓ of respondents believe that the metaverse will play a significant role in recruitment, and almost 40% see potential in virtual reality, while emphasizing that in their opinion it will not be a ubiquitous phenomenon. Only 15% are firmly convinced that virtual reality is not applicable to recruiting.

The majority of employees of advertising and PR agencies (58%) and FMCG (51%) are convinced that the metaverse will play a significant role in recruitment. 58% of law firm representatives strongly support the fact that the metaverse is not applicable in recruitment. More barriers than opportunities are noticed by employees of energy, fuel and mining (43%) as well as transport, shipping and logistics (44%). 

It took over a decade to get to the place where the HR industry is currently located. Over the next 10 years, we will witness the further development of new technologies in HR. In this way, the metawiverse is powered while creating new recruitment needs. Already, most of the departments responsible for the area of human capital in companies actively use the available technologies. This also translates into a significant acceleration and shortening of the processes carried out. Companies are looking for a way to optimize activities while increasing the success rate and remaining competitive on the labor market - comments Artur Skiba, President of the Antal Management Board. 

The reality of job interviews 

Most often, the length of the recruitment process is about 4 weeks. On average, such processes take the longest in the manufacturing, FMCG, banking, insurance and financial institutions industries as well as in law firms. However, the shortest are recruitment processes in advertising and PR agencies and in the energy industry - from 3 weeks to a month.